Mo…Live at Congressional Black Caucus Foundation ALC 2012…FRIDAY

On Thursday evening, I sat on a panel to discuss the importance of voting for the Atlanta Suburban Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.  The panel was held at Morehouse College and well attended.  I love going back to the AUC to speak with students who are the next generation of leaders.  I had to leave early to catch my plane to Washington DC so I could be ready on Friday for the live broadcast of the “Mo Ivory Show” from the Washington Convention Center.  I have been attending CBCF ALC (Annual Legislative Conference) for the past 5 years but this would be the first year I would be hosting my show live from the conference.  I was very excited and wanted to make sure I was really prepared.  So, I landed in DC and decided to skip the Thursday night festivities for some rest and early prep for the morning.

Yeah, it was Friday morning!  I woke up about 6am and headed out the door of my hotel to walk to the Washington Convention Center, Exhibit Hall E, where I would share the broadcast booth with our CBS affiliate, WPGC.  I had a chance to browse around the Exhibit Hall where there was an Author’s Pavilion (more on that later), Health Pavilion, Tech Pavilion, Marketplace and Education area.  There were many companies represented including Georgia’s own, Coca-Cola, Southern Company and UPS.  I took this picture in front of the CBCF Lounge area before the broadcast began.


Justine Love, Public Affairs Director at WPGC and CBS Radio Washington, was kind enough to assist me with the broadcast along with Storm (technical engineer) and a group of helpful interns.  That’s me and Justine below.


I started the show interviewing Avis Thomas-Lester, the Executive Editor of The Afro American Newspapers that publish two papers in Baltimore and Washington focused on issues and news serving the African-American community.  Check them out at  



Next, I interviewed Sheri Crawley, Founder and CEO of Pretty Brown Girl, a company that celebrates the shades of brown girls all over the world with products, celebrations and programs that build confidence, self esteem and academic excellence.  I love this company, the idea and know that you will hear more about this company in the future. Find them at (Pic of Me and Sheri below).



A friend to WAOK/WVEE stopped by next…Sam Burston, National Director of Groups, Faith Based Initiatives and Special Events for the UNCF and long time partner of CBS Radio.  We talked about the new UNCF headquarters which are located near Howard University and Sam’s new national role with UNCF.  Make sure to contribute to the UNCF and look forward to the Mayor’s Masked Ball 2012 here in Atlanta.



Justine continued to pull people from the crowd to chat and I spotted Andrea Young, Executive Director of the Andrew Young Foundation, our very own. She stopped to discuss voter suppression, the election and the great work of her Dad Ambassador Young.  Look for Andrea to come on the show soon to give us an update of the events at the foundation.


Next came one of my big thrills of the day.  Rev. Jesse Jackson came up for a sit down only days after returning from Gambia and freeing two prisoners as he has done many times before.  He discussed that with me as well as his devotion to the fight to end voter suppression and to make sure that everyone VOTES in this election.  REMINDER: DEADLINE TO REGISTER TO VOTE IS OCTOBER 9TH!!!!!!!  Check out my show page to her the entire interview with Rev. Jesse Jackson.



Commissioner Lee May from DeKalb County, a friend and long time listener of WAOK came by to catch us up with all things DeKalb County.  I asked about the school investigation and TSPLOST failure.  Lee was very honest to say there is a lot of work that needs to be done in DeKalb.  It turned out DeKalb County was in the house because no sooner did Congressman Hank Johnson of the 4th District come by to say hello.  He just voted in Congress minutes before arriving and was heading back for another vote.  It was a pleasure to chat with him about CBCF, the importance of the CBC and the work the CBC does.  He answered the question I received earlier relating to the importance and significance of the CBC and whether they really were doing anything for black folks.  I think he answered the question well and gave many examples of the work the CBC does year round to fight for the underserved and issues important to African-Americans.





Every once in awhile, something extraordinary will happen…like meeting and talking to Retired Four Star General Colin Powell.  He was at CBC discussing his new book “It Worked For Me…In Life and Leadership”.  Since we are both from the Bronx, we had a chance to chat about growing up there, his book and the importance of this election.  He had very little time due to his schedule so we only got a few minutes, but it was worth it.  I asked if he would come on the show so we could have a longer conversation and he said yes, pointed me to his person and we are now going to schedule it.  Here are some pics of me and the General.




What a thrill!  That was Friday during the day.  Friday night was spent hanging out at the Southern Company/Essence Party at the Reagan Building where I ran into plenty of friends from GA and danced the night away with MC Lyte as the host DJ.  Friday was a great day and night in the nations capitol!